
Arguments Against Abortion Essay

Decent Essays

In humanity today exits a covenant that when fertilization converts to human life, that the human being must be secure. Currently many individuals, societies and religions have ardently held incompatible beliefs about when human life originates. Is a child a human life at labor or even before, fetus a human life at beginning? Nowadays, this battle goes hand in hand with that question of abortion. Generating so much polemic over this delicate issue the congress has been debating over this issue for decades. This argument brings to the table yet another rigorous question, whether there should be a constitutional amendment banning abortion? As it is hard to believe it’s nearly difficult to find someone who doesn’t have an opinion about abortion and probably a solid opinion about the distress. Arguments on the topic of abortion tend to have no direction due to the diverse number on point of view towards such dilemma, leaving the foes more devoted to their …show more content…

Having studied this topic before, I have looked at most aspects of both sides of the issue, and agree with many arguments equally. Even though it is not understood, relating both sides’ views hold many agreements. Most would agree that the life of a child is a precious thing that deserves the full defense of the law. More would agree that it’s a woman’s private right to make decisions concerning her body. The main conflict that keeps the two sides from getting along is when the fetus becomes a child, because it now jumps to a position where if the woman decides to commit abortion will also be considered murder, and on the other hand concluding with birth will harm the child in other areas of his life. When it becomes down to deciding which side I am for, I would say I advocate in favor of pro-choice and stick to their views. I rely on the rights should constantly stay there for a woman to decide on whether or not to have her

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