
Arguments About The Excess Of Violence In Movies

Decent Essays

Arguments about the excess of violence in movies often happen between parents and adults. Some people believe it has a major affected on children but others believe it has no effect on them at all. The two arguments provided in the article state their points of view while providing evidence that backs themselves up. Overall there is one argument that is better-supported by facts and more persuasive which is the Point argument. The point article argues "Violence in Hollywood movies has become excessive and is putting our youth and our entire society at risk for violent behaviors"(Point 1).

The point article states "Researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania found that 'the amount of gun violence shown in PG-13 films has more than tripled since 1985.'"(Point 2). This proves that since 1985 the amount of violence in moves has tripled. Due to this more children could be influenced to commit these felonious acts. The article follows that quotation by saying "According to research published by the …show more content…

This is because they themselves have not been affected by the exposure"(Point 7). This counterclaim states people may be biased because they have not been affected by the growing exposure to violence in movies. Although they have not been personally affected it doesn't mean that it hasn't happened or never will happen. The article also pronounces "What Hollywood filmmakers must understand is that children mimic what they see in movies. When a hero exhibits violent behaviors to defeat an enemy, children follow his lead. They learn that violence is an acceptable form of problem-solving"(Point 5). This shows that children are easily influenced by what they see and due to this is they see that violence solves problems they might want to solve problems this way

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