
Argumentative Essay: The Future Of Wind Power

Decent Essays

The energy crisis is nothing new. For too long America has put off and ignored a critically relevant and ever-growing problem; a problem that is at the heart of ongoing issues, which include the condition of our environment, the downturn of our economy, and the state of our national security. For the past thirty-five years, promises have ben made, plans have failed, and the problem still remains. Said President Richard Nixon, in his State of the Union Address in January of 1974. “Let this be our national goal: At the end of this decade, in the year 1980, the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need to provide our jobs, to heat our homes, and to keep our transportation moving.” Something needs to be done. America needs to turn to a new, healthier and more efficient source of energy. I believe wind power is the answer for the future. The use of wind power has developed from an abstract idea intro a feasible source to fuel America. Steve Zwolinski, the president of General Electric Wind Energy, feels that wind power is no longer a simple idea of little importance. It has developed into a major and dependable source of energy. “When wind projects were discussed twenty years ago, you could safely say that they were science projects. They’ve come of age now, and they’re …show more content…

If wind turbines are supposed to be good for the environment, what is to be said about their lethal effects on birds? How about the noise produced from the large turbines, whom many consider to be horrible eyesores that tarnish the countryside? Investing in these large, hideous structures is initially expensive, and while it may be true that there is an unlimited supply of wind, how is the resulting energy to be distributed? Undoubtedly, just as the advantages of wind power need to be taken into account, the disadvantages also need to be

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