
Argumentative Essay On Religion And Social Engineering

Decent Essays

“It’s all connected,” Sage said. “Education has been one of the biggest drivers behind liberal social engineering. Progressives figured out a long time ago that if the poor and needy can rely on government, they won’t need the church. And, more broadly, Americans have been conditioned to believe that if they pay high taxes, the government will take care of everything. With faith in government, why do we need faith in God? All we have to do is pay our taxes, and then run around without any meaningful accountability or personal responsibility to hold us back. Without the moral accountability to faith in God, Americans can do whatever they want – it’s party time: Homosexuality, adultery, pornography – go for it, if it feels good, why not? Gay …show more content…

It’s what The Movement is all about – personal responsibility and free association.”
“And it’s working; it’s all coming together.”
“Of course it’s working,” Sage said, clasping William’s shoulder. “Church membership in Virginia has doubled since Governor Birch took office. And without having to pay abusive taxes that sap wealth, people have money left over at the end of each week - collection plates are brimming, and tithing has gone through the roof. As government throws off the yoke of social programming, churches and communities of faith are stepping in to fill the void. Power is shifting from government to communities of faith - it’s perfect synchronicity.”
“So, people are finally coming around to see that all those bleeding heart liberals are actually the ones who lack humanity,” William said.
“It’s funny you said that. Before you came over, that’s exactly what Father DeWitt and I were talking about. The amicus curie brief the ecumenical council is filing focuses on that exact thing. They are going to appeal to the federal courts to return care for the sick and poor to where it rightfully belongs - in the family and communities of faith. Those communities bound together through faith and free association will determine the best outcomes for their parishioners. The government will have no further role in that

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