
Argumentative Essay: To Organic Or Not Organic?

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To Organic or to Not Organic
As consumers, we see the label “organic” in most supermarkets that we shop at every day but do we know what makes certain food items obtain the label organic? There is much controversy on the topic organic foods and for good reason. There are many factors to take into account when decided if organic food is superior to conventionally grown foods. There is key components that all add to how nutritious your food is. It all comes down to the quality of the land that the food is grown on, the farming technique, the elimination of toxic chemicals, and the increase in certain beneficial nutrients. The only downside to being pro-organic food is the slightly increased price tag. Despite the increased cost, organic foods do provide a greater deal of health benefits over conventionally grown foods.
In the United States, organic food has become so popular you don't have to grow your own food or even find a farmers market to be able to purchase organic food. You can typically find it in supermarkets everywhere. Organic farming has been around for quite sometime organic farming first became popular in the 1940s. Throughout the decade’s people gained more knowledge on the benefits of farming and eating organic. George Kuepper a sustainable agriculture specialist notes, . . . “while one can’t say that the 60’s counterculture invented organic farming, it is fair to say that it created the organic industry” (9). During this time period, there was more

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