
Argumentative Essay On Daycare Center

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Imagine sitting in the middle of a packed lecture. Not only just a lecture, but a lecture for the most important class you are taking. You are in the class trying your hardest to pay attention to every word that the professor is saying. Right at the most crucial part of the lecture, a child starts screeching. This horror story has been told all too many times around campus. Naturally here at Brigham Young University with so many students that have started families before graduation, there will be an issue with a child in class.
Although some parents have nowhere else for their child to go than to school with them, students should be more considerate of others when they bring their screaming children to school. In 2014, 26% of students at BYU …show more content…

This is why daycare centers are a thing. They are for parents that cannot be with their children during the day Brigham Young University does not currently provide day care for children. On the other hand, BYU does provide a preschool for staff, faculty, and students. If the school did provide a daycare center for children, then the parents would have less stress as they are able to study more effectively for tests, the other students would have less distractions, the children would get the play and attention they need during the day, and it would be an opportunity for early education majors to gain experience in the field before they start their …show more content…

Students have many expenses to worry about before they start to figure out a way to pay for day care. The students are already spending money on tuition, books, food, clothes, wedding debts, and not to mention the expenses of having and taking care of a child. Day care is just one more thing to add to the pile of expenses they are already dealing with. Many of the students at BYU would rather watch a child on their own than send them off to let someone else watch their child. These parents are afraid that they will miss all of the important moments in their child’s life if they send them off to be taken care of by another person. These are common sacrifices that are made when a parent is in school or work full time. If the parents are concerned about leaving their child with strangers, then they can plan their schedules so that they can switch off with the child between classes and work. While one parent is attending a class, the other parent can watch over the child during their break between classes or

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