
Argumentative Essay: It's Time To Legalize Drugs

Decent Essays

The legalization of marijuana will not set up future generations for drug problems. There are multiple reasons why this can be considered true. The first reason is that by legalizing marijuana, it opens the door to widespread regulations. One of these biggest problems that we have today when it comes to the consumption of weed is that it is not regulated. As a result, anyone who is selling weed in a state where it is illegal, can lace their product with other drugs, or chemicals that are unsafe for human consumption. In states like Colorado and California, the state allows stores to dispense weed under supervision. As a result, the risk of buying laced weed is decreased significantly. This cannot be said for other states like New Jersey, who have yet to decriminalize marijuana use, sale, and consumption. Their marijuana market is based off of an illegal, unregulated underground network, where people purchase weed from local drug …show more content…

As a result, its use, sale, consumption, production, and possession will result in a criminal conviction. Its use will also not be used against people during the job interviewing process, and will not disqualify them from certain positions. When these outcomes are weighed, people will be less likely to risk the chance of getting caught with harder drugs like heroine, and more likely to stick to marijuana use because there are little to no negative repercussions associated with it. In closing, the legalization of the consumption, sale, and use of marijuana will not lead to future generations being forsake to a life of drug abuse, but the exact opposite. They will be able to use as they please without fear of criminal prosecution, or negative labels. Those who have been charged with offenses relating to marijuana will have the opportunity once again redeem themselves, and reject the negative stereotypes placed against

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