
Argumentative Essay: How Are Fossils Made?

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In Ice Age 1 Manny, Sid and Diego walk through ice caves. Sid walks down a different corridor than the others and finds creatures frozen in the ice walls. I tell you this mostly to take up sentences, but it also has a point. Animals and plants fossilize in different ways depending on the habitats they live in. The creatures Sid found are frozen, making them a fossil, but only because of the rapid freezing of the ice age.
Fossils; do you know what a fossil is? Don’t answer that, it is a rhetorical question. Fossils are the preserved remains of plants or animals. How are fossils made? Stop thinking, oh the animal dies and gets buried under a ton of dirt. That would just cause decomposition and worm food. Dying is only the first step to becoming fossilized. Organisms become fossilized by getting trapped in amber, trapped in asphalt, buried in rock, frozen, or they can become petrified which is when minerals replace the decomposing organism. Being trapped in asphalt is the most common of these. Now to find a fossil you grab a shovel and start digging, right? WRONG! Chances are the bones, tracks, poop or whatever else was buried really deep. So fossils are usually found when the earth quakes or erosion happens. Some weirdo might stumble upon them and call up the pros and tell them to come excavate the find. …show more content…

The tar pits are home to over 660 fossils of different species. Ninety percent of the fossils were carnivores. Once again these fossils came to be, because of their habitat. The organisms probably forgot about their mothers telling them not to play in the tar but decided to be the disobedient child and ended up getting stuck. Now in Antarctica most of the fossils are from the Mesozoic Era. Fossils include snails, seashells, ammonite lie squids, squids, and octopus fossils. Because of the place they lived in they became fossils. Here in Idaho most fossils are of the petrified

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