
Argumentative Essay: Gun Control In The United States

Decent Essays

GUN CONTROL The feeling of insecurity, and the need for all of us to defend and protect ourselves, our families, and all what we consider as precious to us, is the main factor that drives most of us to believe that we should own a gun, or a weapon in general, to get the feeling of security that we miss. Do you know how many people own guns in the United States? A statistic claims that the proportion between people who own guns in the United States to the population of the United States is almost 1:1. Therefore, we can say that there is a gun for each individual in the United States (Wikipedia 11/23). Certainly, it is a high proportion. At the same time that guns are used as a means of self-defense, they are involved in a high proportion of murders. Dear student, using guns in our lives to protect ourselves is dangerous habit. We should instead regulate the control over guns. …show more content…

Last year 16,204 murders occurred throughout the United States. Among these 16,204 murders, 10,325 crimes involved the use of guns: that is about 67%. It is unfortunate that we find 3,385 children die, because of gun related accidents each year (Wikipedia 11/23). Policemen and security people are well trained on how and when to use guns. However, those individuals who buy guns’ form gun stores were never trained physically on how to use them or psychologically on when to use it. One of the most famous crimes committed by using guns was the massacre of Columbine high school. Twelve students and a teacher were the victims of this crime. In addition, 21 other people were injured. Another massacre that occurred in a school was the 2007 Virginia Tech. A school massacre, where 33 victims and 25 injured were the result of this crime (Wikipedia

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