
Are People Free In America Essay

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Are People Free in America? Are we free in America or are we not? There are many issues in America that show that we aren't free. In America, we have to fight for our Freedom and Rights. People of all colors and races see issues differently that shows that we may not be free in America. One issue that shows that we are not free is that domestic racism still exist today. There are many people who are of African American descents. Black people are judged for who they are and what they do. In the Letter from Wendell Phillips he says, "In reading your life, no one can say that we have unfairly picked out some rare specimens of cruelty" (Douglass). This means that there are still people who are treated poorly for who they are and what they do. Back when Douglass was a slave he was prohibited to read or write. Slave Masters believed that their slaves should be prohibited because when or if slaves learned how to read and write they might find out an escape plan without them knowing. Douglass did find a successful escape plan over the years because he knew how to read. Learning to read and write would help slaves realize that they are men who …show more content…

Everyone has equal rights, equal power, status and opportunities. Our rights are not taken away. On HuffPost, it states, "People of color do not have it that bad and are not the only ones that are put at a disadvantage or targeted because of their race (Blay).” White people as well as blacks have experienced prejudice from others, slavery, persecution and terrorism. Also, On it states, "We are free in so far as we experience choice (Fryatt).” America is a land of choice and opportunities where all colors and races can find equal power, unite together and work together peacefully in order to experience the freedom of

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