
Archetype In Modern Culture In The Film 'Revenge Of The Sith'

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Archetype In Modern Culture Assignment The movie Star Wars Episode 3 The Revenge Of The Sith directed by George Lucas is a great representation of the God teacher versus God Tempter. In this film the character that perfectly shows a God teacher, is Obi – wan Kenobi. Obi – wan Kenobi is the Jedi master of Anakin Skywalker the perceived chosen one. Skywalking is the one that is suppose to bring balance to the force and save the galaxy. The God tempter is Darth Sidious whom is to be the dark lord from the darkside of the force. With all the hardships that Skywalker endures, it leaves his mind cluttered with a decision to make; stay on the good side living in Obi – wan Kenobi's shadow or acquire more knowledge about the hidden powers a Jedi can poses: saving people from death. Anakin gets manipulated by Darth Sidious to join the …show more content…

Unfortunately, Anakin believes Darth Sidious and he is now his new master, thinking that this is the right way to handle the situation of his vivid dreams. In Anakin's dreams he see's his wife struggling through her birth procedure and ultimately ends up dying during labor. Committed to do anything to save his family, he feels he has no other choice but to join the darkside to better them. His first order of business is to kill all the remaining Jedi's across the galaxy, wiping them out, leaving the dark side superior. Obi – Wan Kenobi comes to the realization that it is Anakin committing all this wrath across the galaxy, and knows now he only has a couple options; persuade Anakin in staying good, or fight to the finish. Anikan refuses to switch back over, but is devisated when he see's his wife, Padme is on Obi – Wan's side. Considering how furious he is, Anakin uses the force to choke his wife leaving her in critical condition. Obi – Wan and Anakin battle it out with Obi –wan whom is the heroin. When Anakin's wife goes into labor after the battle she unfortunately

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