
Application Essay: A Career As A Social Worker

Decent Essays

My current job with 911 dispatch here in Pennington County is an eye opener to the socioeconomic problems our community faces, and has provided me with new insights to become a better social worker. The reason I am leaving dispatch if hired with Department of Social Services is so I can take helping those in need a step further and try and make an impact on the socioeconomic struggle our community sees.

With Golden West Technologies, I also learned a lot of useful tools that I still use to this day. When I was promoted after a year and a half there to the job of Shift Supervisor, I learned things such as: professional communication, team building, documenting reports, and providing useful feedback to those that I was responsible for being a leader to.

Through my undergraduate work at Black Hills State University, I was introduced to a few different theories that apply to the family unit and how the child’s future shapes based on different factors. With the Nuclear Family, for example, it is important to realize that what was once considered the traditional family has ever so changed as now …show more content…

As a Crisis Counselor, it is my responsibility to move the clients for a hot moment to a cool moment and provide needed resources and referrals to best help them maintain stability. An example of moving someone from a hot moment to a cool moment would be talking with someone that is actively trying to self-harm and working with them to put down/away whatever they are using while they talk with me, all while building trust along the way. Some referrals could be things like alternatives to self-harm, local resources for abuse, participating in an active rescue process for those clients that were at most risk of harm to themselves and others, and so

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