(Read off PowerPoint) Behaviour: They are solitary creatures who remain submerged for most of their time at sea making difficult to study their behavioural tendencies. Rarely interact with one another outside courtship and mating. Even when large numbers of turtles gather on feeding grounds or during migration, little behavioural exchange among individuals. Their typical daily routine includes feeding and resting. When not nesting, they can migrate up to hundreds of thousands of miles. They can sleep at the surface while in deep water or on the bottom wedged between rocks or under ledges in reefs. Courtship & Mating: Mating is believed to occur during a limited “receptive” period prior to the females first nesting emergence. During mating season, males may court a female by nuzzling her head or by gently biting the back of her neck and rear flippers. If the female does not flea, the male attaches himself to the back of the females shell by gripping her top shell with the claws in his front flippers. He then folds his long tail under her shell to copulate. Copulatoon can take place either on the surface or …show more content…
After the females emerge from the ocean, some will crawl out yet reasons such as naturally or caused by artificial lighting or the presence of people on the beach - decide not to nest, this is called a "false crawl" Females on the nesting beach after recent mating can be observed with scratched shells and sometimes bleeding from where the males were hooked to their shells. Sea turtles mating have been reported to be very aggressive during mating sometimes males wil compete for females and may even fight each other. Females may even mate with several males prior to nesting season and store the sperm for several months. When she lays her eggs, they will have been fertilized by a variety of males. This helps keep genetic diversity high in the
Manatees give birth through live birth and after live birth, the mother usually will help her calf breath before the calf learns to swim and in only a short time, they can swim on their own.
The Australian ringneck makes their nests in tree hollows and on rotting wood areas. The female Australian ringneck will sit on the eggs, and the male brings her food. The babies are fed by both parents.
The ornate box turtle is a extremely common species of turtle that lives throughout the United States. The turtles can be easily recognized by their dark brown shell with bright yellow markings. Almost every box turtle is unique in marking, from yellow to orange spots on their body to the different patterns on their shell. The male and female box turtle are distinguishable by their eye color and tail size. Male ornate box turtles have red eyes and longer tails, while females have brown eyes and shorter tails. These turtles have a interesting life style because they usually live their entire life's within only a few acres. The turtles start out the day basking in the sun. from there they go out hunting for food. Ornate box turtles move and hunt
Most nesting locations are amongst dense shrubbery and branches of small trees and are built lower to the ground. In order to defend his nest the male sings in a loud, clear whistle from the top of a tree or another high location. Sometimes males will attack their reflection often spending hours charging at what they perceive as unwelcome intruders.
Ap Psychology-Part 3:Free Response Question Phillip had been through many experiences in the past resulting into the situation he is currently in. Through the use of the seven psychological perspectives we can see and determine how Phillip had become suicidal and determine his current state. The psychodynamic perspective of psychology portrays personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces. We can see from the passage that Phillip is not able to keep a serious relationship. This could have been the result of his mother completely dominating his father at an early age.
They exhibit a polygynous mating system, which means they have one-male and multi-female groups. The male’s large home ranges envelop the home ranges of several females. The males will mate with all the females in their home range and even some in extending home ranges. Females will also mate with members of different home ranges. The two remain together for several days while mating and will copulate several times in that period. Litters are usually fathered by one male, and the males will defend and mark their territory while mating. Females will mate every other year from May to August. They will stay in heat from June to August, and most mating will occur in June or July. Most interestingly females display a delayed implantation where the embryo is not implanted immediately at copulation but actually waits in diapause for about six months. Fertilized eggs develop to the blastocyst and will remain there until implantation to the uterine wall which typically occurs in the months from December to February. This means pregnancy may last anywhere from 120 to 272 days. Which will depend on when the embryo is fertilized and when it is implanted. Parturition is perfectly timed for the optimum survival of their young, which is usually when the most food is available. Females build snow-dens to birth and nurse their young. They typically have two dens, a natal den for giving birth and then when this den is
Male adult turtles can reproduce every year, but the female turtles reproduce three or four years. After / mating, the female turtle finds a beach that they want to lay their eggs and dig holes in the ground. After the holes are dug, she lays her eggs. The female turtle can lay more than seventy- five to two hundred. After two months the eggs are caught. They have to try and make it to the water before another predator attack them on their way there. After they make it to the water, they wait twenty to twenty- five years before they can reproduce (“Sea Turtle Conservancy”).
Nests are normally very ugly in design. Once the nest is built a girl swims near.lay her eggs in the nest. Then this is how they bass create more and more.
The Western Painted Turtle is the largest of four species of turtles. They can grow up to about 8 inches and the males are generally smaller than the females. Their shells are nice and smooth and are about 250mm long. They are called painted turtles because their lower shell is a bright red with yellow and olive green colored designs spread through their shells. They have yellow lines on each side of their neck that are about the same size that go all the way to their head. They are cold blooded animals so they cannot control their body temperature. They have to go under the mud or sand to keep themselves warm. Western Painted Turtles are aquatic reptiles so
Some female reptiles will guard the eggs they lay, and others will not, but egg guarding is about as far as parental care typically goes. Alligator mississippiensis is one of the rare exceptions to this common reptilian trend. Gravid female alligators will build nests, lay the eggs, and protect them from possible predators. When presented with a possible threat to her clutch, the female will hiss, or lunge at the perceived predator (Kushlan, 1973). Come hatching time, she may open the nest or help the juveniles out of their eggs, and carry them in her mouth to the water (Passek, 1999). In some cases, males have assisted the hatching of the offspring by breaking open the eggs, similar to the female. According to Passek, hatchlings communicate with each other while still in the eggs by using vocalizations. When hatched, these vocalizations are calls that alert the mother to possible distress.
Because of the environment an anglerfish lives in the male is always looking for a mate. Male anglerfish are always smaller than female anglerfish. They have evolved to be parasitic as they attach to the female anglerfish for nutrition. The reproduction process of anglerfish, is an interesting example of sexual dysmorphism. A male anglerfish bites into the female anglerfish with its teeth and attaches to the female. As the male’s mouth and the female’s skin weld the male loses all organs except for his testes and his vision. The male anglerfish have large noses to sense the pheromones of a female, and while they are maturing they lose their jaw teeth and their digestive systems becomes delapitated. The tissues of a male and female anglerfish fuse together when an
Mating season starts after hibernation, between May and July. The female alone takes the role of raising the litter, which could have up to ten offspring. The spines gradually but in a short time begin to develop. At birth, the offspring is blind and has a layer of barely developed spines
First off the Robinsons tamed the turtles. The robinsons snuck up on the turtles and caught them, they made sure to not let them loose. (WYSS, Pg.167) Then they grabbed some cords and carefully strung it through the turtle's shells. (WYSS, Pg.167) The turtles fought back a little but they were able to tie the cords to a stake. (WYSS, Pg.167) Finally they flipped the turtles on their backs to soothe and calm the turtles. (WYSS, Pg.168) The turtles use was to have more facility along the shore for finding food. (WYSS, Pg.168)
alligators use a complex series of underwater bellows, sighs, grunts and other vocalizations to attract mates. Before mating, female alligators prepare soft nests of sticks and vegetation. Each female lays 30 to 50 eggs, deposits them in the nest and guards them during the 65-day incubation period.
Sea turtles face a lot of life or death obstacles from the second they are born. Even