
Antisocial Personality Disorder Analysis

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mentioned, the general features that represent most personality disorders are chronic interpersonal difficulties, problems with ones identity or sense of self, and inability to function adequately in society. Personality disorders can stem form stressful events in life that may cause a person to develop inflexible, distorted personality and behavioral patterns that translate into maladaptive way of perceiving, thinking and interacting in the world. The people that have personality disorders struggle with maintaining healthy relationships and those that find themselves in a relationship with them find their behavior exhausting, confusing and unpredictable (Hooley, Butcher, Nock & Mineka, 2017).
Antisocial Personality disorder 301.7 (F60.2)
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That was his greatest dream to get away from society and go into the wild. He never felt like he fit in. Thank God above for the last few years of his life. He met a beautiful woman that loved him in spite of his weakness. She had three beautiful kids and he loved her and them sooo much!! They ended up getting married and he was sober for the last year of his life but then relapsed and died three weeks later on a 4-wheeler because of excessive …show more content…

Many environmental factors and stressful events played a role with my son. Farrinton, 2006; Granic & Patterson, 2006 said that traumatic experiences and delinquent peers play a huge role in understanding antisocial personality disorder. “The number of antisocial behaviors exhibited in childhood is the single best predictor of who will develop an adult diagnosis of ASPD, and the younger the age at which problems start, the higher the risk” (Robins, 1978). This was so true with my son. Also, Lahey, Loeber, Burke, & Applegate, (2005) stated that children with oppositional defiant disorder towards authority figures usually begins by age 6 years old, followed by early onset-conduct disorder around age 9 are most likely to develop ASPD as adults. Gathering and asking all the pertinent information is going to be vital as a clinicians to make proper diagnoses. Hooley, Butcher, Nock, & Mineka, (2017) cautioned clinicians regarding diagnosis of personality disorders and said there are more misdiagnoses in this category of disorders than any other and said they are not as sharply defined as they are for most other diagnostic categories. Therefore, the clinician must exercise more judgement in making their diagnosis than is the case for many other

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