
Antimicrobial Resistance To Antibiotic Resistance

Decent Essays

Antibiotic resistance is a type resistance of bacterial infection to the drug prescribed by doctors to individuals who are infected. Antibodies that are given to a person may not be enough to cure a bacterial infection due to “superbugs” which is a pathogen resistant to many different types of antibodies. Some of the reasons why this exists is due to common misuse of people in antibiotics. For instance, not finishing up what the doctors prescribe after feeling better and saving for later for future use is not a good practice. This actually leaves the hearty bacteria as opposed to killing only the mild or medium ones. I strongly believe that people are responsible why the superbugs exist. This is is a huge problem in the society because superbugs are resistance to antibiotic. is created and will no longer be effective. One article that support that hypothesis is, Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance", which notes that resistance is occurring across many different infectious …show more content…

The issue of anti-microbial resistance can be reduced just by coordinated endeavors of all individuals from society for guaranteeing the effectiveness of antibiotics. If everyone is educated and stop using prescription antibiotics for common cold, headache, or other viruses lessen people who misuses such antibiotics. Also, hospitals should be cautious in prescribing antibiotics if unnecessary. For instance, at Kaiser Hospital where I take my children, doctors advise that common cold or flu viruses cannot be cured by antibiotics unless it is bacterial

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