
Antigone Haemon Character Analysis

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“For me your judgements and the ways you act on them are good - I shall follow them.” (lines 720-722) Haemon initially believes his father’s judgments are for good reason so he says he will follow them, staying loyal to his father’s leadership. Loyalty is a big part of the play Antigone. Rather it's being loyal to King Creon’s rule, staying loyal to God's beliefs, or being loyal to the City of Thebes, each character has the trait of loyalty. Haemon’s final disregard of loyalty by choice of words and actions highlight Creon’s unreasonableness, anger, and disrespect, causing his father Creon to develop as a tragic hero.
Haemon’s word choice during his conversations with his father contrast with Creon’s character by ultimately disagreeing with his views and laws. “I’ll not consider any marriage a greater benefit than your fine leadership”. (lines 722-724) As Haemon initially agreed …show more content…

“Is it a mistake to honour my own rule.” (line 849) “You’re not honouring that by trampling on the gods’ prerogatives.” (850-851) Creon believes that his own rule is correct and that it should be honoured because he is the King of Thebes, Haemon believes he isn't using the correct method in his ruling, he’s not following the gods’ rights and privileges. “Aaiii--Mistakes made by a foolish mind, cruel mistakes that bring on death. You see us here, all in one family - the killer and the killed” (lines 1405-1409) Creon is holding Haemon’s body and realizing that his death was his fault. His foolishness and mistakes led to Haemon’s death, now he has lost his son; making his development as a tragic hero evident as he is experiencing misfortune and he is realizing his

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