
Antigone Dbq Creon Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

Most people encounter heroes on a daily basis. Some of these heroes can be real life heroes such as the firemen who saved the cat, or the teacher helping with a struggling student while others can be found in forms of media or literary works. A specific type of hero that is often found in many Greek tragedies is called a tragic hero. A tragic hero often possesses a tragic flaw, experiences a sudden reversal of fortune, and finally come to a realization that the reversal of misfortune is resulted from his or her own actions. In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, written in 5th century BCE, the protagonist Creon is an excellent example of a tragic hero. The possession of a tragic flaw is a central character trait to a tragic hero, which in Creon’s …show more content…

His tragic flaw of excessive pride and arrogance prevents him from being able to logically access circumstances. He goes through a sudden reversal of fortune where he suffers from catastrophic losses, and he realizes that his misfortunes are caused by his own doings. Creon, being the brother of the late queen Jocasta, uncle and brother-in-law to the banished King Oedipus, and uncle to the former King Eteocles has extremely high noble stature (Doc C). Also, he comes from a position of extreme power, as shown by his three separate crowning as King of Thebes. Because of this, Creon as a tragic hero, has much to lose and will “fall from tremendous good fortune” (Doc C), causing the audience to feel a sense of “pity and fear” (Doc C) for Creon. His loss of his family and status due to his tragic flaw makes the audience pity him because his “punishment exceeds the crime” (Doc C) while making them subconsciously fear for themselves because “the hero is better than we are, and still failed” (Doc C). If the hero who is better than we are failed, then how will we compare? Sophocles creates the epitome of a tragic hero in his tragedy, Antigone, by capturing all five traits of a tragic hero into one character:

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