
Antigone Creon Character Traits

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A negative trait is a personal quality or emotion that produces a bad outcome. This trait could affect people greatly and in this case it not only affects a few people, but it hugely impacts an entire city. In the play “Antigone” written by Sophocles two brothers named Polynices and Eteocles fight each other for the kingdom ship after their father dies. They end up both dying which leaves Creon, thier uncle, king. Creon gave Eteocles a proper greek burial but left Polynices unburied to be eaten by eagles and wolves. He believed that Polynices was going against the city of Thebes, thus making him a traitor. Going against the gods and his people shows that, Creon was unfit to be King. Not only did he go against his people, but he also inflicted his negative …show more content…

One reason Creon has a collapse in his success as a king is because he would assume something without the right to and couldn’t accept things for the way they were, making him the perfect example of being presumptuous. Creon is speaking in full anguish to Antigone about her unloyal crime and without giving a second thought, he also blamed her sister, Ismene. Creon says, “Full punishment-she, and her sister too, Her partner, doubtless, in this burying.”(Sophocles 139). First of all, Ismene wasn't a part of the crime and it is unjust to assume someone is guilty of a crime they did not commit. This is especially wrong because Creon is the king and a king is supposed to be the most just and morally accepting to his subjects. Even if Ismene was guilty of this so called horrendous crime he shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions especially if he was going to give “full punishment” . To blatantly assume that Ismene is Antigone’s accomplice shows how presumptuous Creon really is. He just says the first thing that comes to mind and acts upon it without any evidence or proof to backup his claim. When he says “doubtless” this implies

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