
Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Research Paper

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The disease anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is named by Josep Dalmau and his colleagues in 2007. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a disease that occurs when antibodies that are produced by the body’s won immune system attack NMDA receptors of the brain. NMDA receptors are proteins that control the functions in the brain for critical judgement, perception of reality, human interaction, memory, and things like breathing and swallowing. It is an acute form of brain inflammation. Antibodies are important to protect the body’s defense system, that protects against viruses and bacteria. In some conditions that people have the antibodies that they produce attack against their body which causes and “auto-immune disease”. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis …show more content…

It is usually in young adults that show abnormal behavior or instability. Women are affected by conditions associated with teratomas of the ovaries. It affects women 80% of the time and men 20%. When the tumors are found in men they are mostly found in the testes, lungs, thyroid, or in the colon.The reason why most tumors are associated with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is because they contain neural tissue. The antibodies found within these tumors attack and the brain produces the symptoms and signs associated with the anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis disease. Some of the main symptoms are; seizures, flue-like symptoms, sleep disorders, movement problems, loss of consciousness, vision and hearing impairment, or speech dysfunction. Patients tend to lose themselves within this disease because of how much that their body and mind is effected. Not everyone experiences a lot of these symptoms it is most common for patients to experiences at least four symptoms or some even experience six or seven. Most of the time it is very hard to diagnose this disease because it comes off as other problems in the body. To be able to detect this disease antibodies are either found in blood or spill

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