
Understand the process and experience of dementia(DEM 301)

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UNIT 365 UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS AND EXPERIENCE OF DEMENTIA 1.UNDERSTAND THE NEUROLOGY OF DEMENTIA 1.1Describe a range of causes of dementia syndrome. Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms including memory loss, confusion , mood changes, and difficulty with day-to -day task. There are many causes of dementia wit Alzhaimer`s the most common. Alzhaimer`s disease-around 500.000 people in the UK have Alzhaimer`s.Scientists know that during Alzhaimer`s two abnormal proteins build in the brain. They form clumps called either "plagues" or "tangles". Theses plagues and tangles interfere with how brain cells work and communicate wih each other. The plagues are usually first seen in the area of the brain that makes new …show more content…

-the inability to judge time, thinking it is time to get up when it is the middle of the night. -forgetting where they live -becoming unaware of their surrondings -forgetting to take medication, thinking they have already taken it -forgetting their disability such as getting up to walk even thoug they are not able, which results in their falling -an inability to have empathy which could make the person appear selfish -personality changes-if previously extraverte, the could becom introverted and vice versa -the loss of social etiquette including making thoughtless comments, being rude or exhibiting sexual behaviours in public. 1.3 Explain the way that individuals process information with reference to the abilities and limitations of individuals with dementia. Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire,store,retain and later retrive information. There are three major processes involved in memeory ; encoding,storage,retrieval. The collection of 100 bilion cells or neurons in the brain is divided into two halves, known as hemispheres. The right side of the brain is responsible for putting information together eg. information recived from eyes-if you see a flower information goes from eyes to the right side of your brain , firing neurons, putting information together so you are able to say "I can see a flower".The left side of the brain analyses information which is collected by the right side of the brain. It

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