
Answer Key for 'Lewis and Clark Reloaded'

Better Essays

ANSWER KEY for “Lewis and Clark Reloaded: The 3,041-Mile Bike Trail” by Mary Rose Grant
School for Professional Studies
Saint Louis University

Part I—The Adventure Begins … and Comes to a Screaming Halt

1. What body systems are primarily affected and what physiological changes would you expect Joe and Frank to experience during such rigorous exercise?

You may list, as students report out, the physiological changes to the respiratory, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and urinary systems expected during strenuous exercise and as noted in the case of the cyclist, Joe. Students will respond with answers suggesting increases in heart rate, respiration, sweating and muscle fatigue, as well as muscle soreness as normal. However, in …show more content…

3. What additional information or tests would you request?

Considering a diagnosis of dehydration, along with the fact that Joe seems to be consuming a lot of caffeine, a diuretic that causes fluid loss, the student may suggest testing Na, Ca, and other electrolyte levels in the blood, as well as levels of caffeine or other metabolites in the blood and urine. This latter information may help the student determine or at least estimate Joe’s caffeine intake.

The student can begin to research and accumulate knowledge about dehydration as well as the effects of caffeine in the body. New knowledge about caffeine’s role in possibly interfering with iron absorption and decreasing insulin levels may lead the student to consider additional tests for iron and blood insulin levels. The student may also come to the conclusion that such tests may not be needed, necessary or specific to caffeine intake.

To further explain Joe’s rapid heart rate, the student may request an electrocardiogram to investigate any presenting heart arrhythmia's.

Part III—A Dangerous Detour

1. Weeding out misinformation and piecing together the many facts presented, what is your diagnosis of Joe’s condition?

Joe is suffering from caffeine intoxication and is also dehydrated.

2. What signs, symptoms, risk factors, and conditions lead to this

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