
Cellular Respiration Lab Report

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This experiment tested the hypothesis that there was no difference between cellular respiration before vigorous exercise and cellular respiration after vigorous exercise in terms of rate of cellular respiration. During cellular respiration, glucose broke down into carbon dioxide in order to convert the chemical energy stored in glucose into usable energy in ATP. Cells did not perform cellular respiration to create carbon dioxide, for carbon dioxide was a byproduct, and thus, carbon dioxide was released. In this experiment, the carbon dioxide was bubbled through water and, as a result, formed carbonic acid when carbon dioxide and water reacted. Since acids donate hydrogen ions, carbonic acid--a weak acid--dissociated in water, which formed …show more content…

As soon as the stopwatch started, the subject blew into the straw until the solution appeared clear. When the solution appeared clear, the stopwatch was stopped, and the time was recorded in a table as the subject’s resting clearing time.
Next, a timer was set to five minutes, and the subject exited the lab room. As soon as the timer started to count down from five minutes, the subject begun their exercise, which consisted of running laps around building on the second floor. When the timer reached zero, the subject returned to the lab room and sat down in front of the second Erlenmeyer flask filled with prepared solution that sat on top of a white piece of regular printer paper. The timer was set to zero, and then, as soon as the timer was started, the subject blew into the straw until the solution appeared clear, which was when the stopwatch was stopped. Then, the time was recorded as the subject’s working clearing time. In the entire class, there were a total of twenty participants; the twenty subjects consisted of both male and female students of varying ages and various races, including White and Hispanic descent. We determined the class mean of resting and working clearing time, excluding four outliers.

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