
Ansel Adams Approach To Photography

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Ansel Adams (Feb. 20, 1902- Apr. 22, 1984) found his way to photography through the black and white keys of the piano. Through music he established structure, discipline and purpose to his rather unpredictable childhood, but through photography Adams found passion, mastery, and his true passion. Though his interests were in wilderness and the environment: photography was his calling. His love for nature and his eye for perfection would lead him to have an extremely successful career, and lead him to be adored by many. Personally, Ansel Adams is one of the best photographers of all time because of the way he approaches his photographs, his particular style, and what sets him apart from other photographers

Adams method to photography is what made his pictures so original. It is seen time and time again that the simplicity of his pictures is what makes them so great: a delicate flower on a piece of wood, a misshaped tree, the beautiful Teton Mountains. Ansel Adams truly believed and …show more content…

It’s well known that Adam’s focus was wilderness and the environment, but with every picture he took: half of the creativity happened in the dark room. It’s easy to see that Ansel Adam’s pictures were very light dependent: balancing the dark and the light as well as the warm and the cool spots. Not to mention all his pieces are black and white, by no choice of his own, which leaves endless room for the imagination. Because all of his pieces lack color explains his techniques while developing the film. He was the kind of photographer that was known for spending the whole day in the dark room just to produce a single print. He would spend hours manipulating the enlarger to make certain parts of the photograph darker or lighter. This kind of persistence for perfection is the reason Ansel Adams is known for creating the best landscape photographs of all

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