
Research Paper On Ansel Adams

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The artist portrayed on the altoid tin is Ansel Adams. Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902 in Western addition, san Francisco california. Ansel died on April 22, 1984 in Monterey california. Ansel Adams Had gotten his education at Harvard University in 1981 and he had also studied at Yale University. Ansel adams does Photography using his number one piece of equipment his camera as well as his eyes because photography isn’t the photograph it’s the eyes of whos taking the picture as he mainly took black and white photographs. Ansel’s style of art consists of black and white photographs, landscapes, and nature. He was known as an environmentalists during the period of the 1920s - 1970s. Environmentalists are people who support the nature and the natural state of the world for example yellowstone park has the natural setting and nature that the world had created itself. Ansel Adams had originally trained to become a pianist in which he still played throughout his lifetime, but he was always fascinated with nature and photographs since a young age. Ansel adams had broke his nose in 1906 from an aftershock from an earthquake as it pitched him face forward into a garden wall. Ansel Adams actually did not do well in school and had transferred into multiple different schools and had behavioral problems and was stated as being hyperactive. Adams first camera was a Kodak No. 1 Box Brownie. Ansel sold his first photos to Best’s Studio in Yosemite Valley and became good friends

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