
Ansari: What Makes A Good Job?

Satisfactory Essays

I think Ansari did a good job in his conclusion because he summarized his main points he discovered about modern romance. One of his main points is despite having all these ways to interact through technology the most valuable way to get to know someone is face to face. I agree with this because even though I have used technology to get to know someone we also can forget that behind the screen is another human being. I think the face to face interactions are truly the best way to understand someone because it can be extremely difficult to read emotions through text messaging. Another main point is that because of technology more and more people are meeting online but with that there are so many options to choose from so make sure that before moving on to the next person make sure you don’t see any possibility of a future with the person you are talking with. He gave a real-life story about a woman who originally didn’t give this guy a chance but a year later she decided to give him a second chance and now they are …show more content…

He says passionate love is strong for the first twelve to eighteen months and then quickly dwindles. From my experience, you can tell when a couple just recently started dating because in this stage they are obsessed with one another. As where with compassionate love, in the beginning of the relationship there is very little and over time this type of love increases especially around thirty years. Personally, I can see this type of love in with my parents and grandparents. I thought the graph he used was very interesting to see the comparison between these two types of love and the intensity depending on how long a couple has been dating. One question he could have further explored is how do you make relationship last if passionate and compassionate love have decreased? Additionally, how do you as a couple transition between these two types of

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