
The Government In The Giver's Society

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The government in the fictional movie The Giver is viewed as a corrupt nation by the main characters, Jonas and the Giver; however, in the real world, the Gaza Strip is even more of an unethical dystopian society due to government control, food supply, and the loss of lives.
Phillip Noyce used his directorial skills to show the horror it is to live in the Communities of The Giver’s society. It is portrayed to be a heinous society that is under the control of the Chief Elders. The civilians are under the belief that nothing existed beyond the Communities. The government protects its citizens by deleting the memories of every feeling known to man with morning injections. Elders are erasing emotions in the belief that “love is just passion that …show more content…

Furthermore, the Elders take pristine care of the Communities to ensure everyone is happy. Each day the civilians are fed the proper nutrients in order for jobs to be done probably and for children to grow accordingly. Repeatedly, there are scenes of Jonas and his family members eating meals at the kitchen table. Gnawing on chicken, chugging down water, knowing that there will be more for them in just a few short hours. The society has no limitations on the foods that need to be produced in order to keep everyone with a full stomach. Overall, the most tragic event to take place in the society is the release, however, none of the people understand what is happening, so it is not seen as a horrid action. Releasing a citizen from the society into elsewhere is killing babies, elderly, or just the unfit to keep the society peaceful. At one point in the movie the Giver states, “ They haven’t eliminated murder. They just call it by a different name” (Noyce, The Giver). Since the government took away old memories and emotions everyone is shielded from figuring out the truth beyond …show more content…

The Gaza Strip was put into a state of distraught by the Israeli imposed blockade against the Palestinian territory. Israel's government has had control over the Gaza Strip ever since its victory back in 1967. Ruth Eglash constructed interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis to ask the simple question, is Gaza still occupied? It came to a conclusion, that there is proof and evidence that Gaza is still under the control of Israel, even if people say otherwise. One of her interviewees, Raji Sourani, stated, “ They are trying to highlight the gravity of the situation [in Gaza], where 65 percent of the people are unemployed, 90 percent live under the poverty line, 85 percent depend on [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East]”(Eglash, Does Israel…). The truth is that Israel is causing Gaza to crumble and fall by creating the blockade against them. If Gaza was not under the harsh restrictions it is, the economy would not have dropped to these rates. Furthermore, under the rule of Israel the residents of Gaza have gone hungry multiple times. With no clean water supply and scarce food sources there is nothing else to do but wait and hope for a chance that some will appear. Parents fight to provide meals for their children, hoping to last another day. All the suffering that the siege caused has only ended in one way for the Palestinians, that

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