
Annotated Bibliography Aristotle And H. Rackham

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Annotated Bibliography
Aristotle, and H. Rackham. The Athenian Constitution ; The Eudemian Ethics ; On Virtues and Vices. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1952. Print. The Eudemian Ethics is a remarkable work in Ancient Greek philosophy conducted by the philosopher Aristotle; and this is a translated side-by-side version by Harris Rackham who is a fellow in the Harvard University. This is a primary source that originated from Aristotle, it covers ethical issues in highest goodness, virtue, humanity and friendship; and it is a great reference of Aristotelian ethics. According to Aristotle, moral goodness must be concerned with certain means and must be a middle state, he provided examples such as, modesty is a middle state between shamelessness …show more content…

Noyd is Professor of Biology at the U.S. Air Force Academy where he teaches botany and general biology. He has taught for over 35 years in high school, community college, small college, university, and service academy classrooms. He found that a right balance between under-teaching and over-teaching is very important; and Aristotle’s golden mean can be used as a decision-making framework, by giving the right student the right amount of assistance, at the right time, for the right reason, in the right manner. He suggests that a teacher has to know the student in order to decide how much assistance the student needs, provides instructions in advance but leave space and time for the student to think. According to him, teaching is a constant attempt to determine the right course of action within the golden mean spectrum. It shows that the golden mean is definitely achievable, and it is practical wisdom that can be used in decision-making, in this case, …show more content…

Cunningham was a member of the University of Windsor’s Department of Philosophy (1961-1986), and the Department of Communication Studies. His article suggests that Aristotle’ Golden Mean has been misused by some media producers, when people take it as “I do whatever that is best for me” since the golden mean is related to different circumstances, but Aristotle did not intend that one should set the extremes first and then identify the mean. Instead, as one develops virtue and his or her decision-making should lie between the excess and the deficiency logically. Cunningham argues that Aristotle’ golden mean has a great implications for media ethics if the meaning of it is taken appropriately. This scholarly article proves that Aristotle’s golden mean is highly achievable, it has greatly impact the world’s view on ethics for over a thousand year; and it can be still practiced in today’s society.
Gier, Nicholas F. "A REVIEW OF JIYUAN YU'S THE ETHICS OF CONFUCIUS AND ARISTOTLE: MIRRORS OF VIRTUE." The Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35.4 (2007): n. pag. Web. 14 Dec.

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