
Anne Frank Research Paper

Decent Essays

Anne Frank, a girl who left us a diary of her struggles, has greatly impacted lives all over the world. She is probably one of the most successful young writers of all time. Anne’s life-long dream of becoming a famous writer and living beyond her death has become reality. Her diary has informed people of the harsh reality of war life in hiding, therefore she lives on. When people learn about Anne’s life they can understand more about her. Millions of books are being made and sold to this day, spreading the words of her life. Since her book is so popular, people won’t forget her. Anne will long be remembered for her expressive writing. I think that it was better for the world that Anne went through the experiences that she did. For her though, I’m not as sure. Without going through what she did, she may have been completely forgotten just as any other jew who underwent the war. If she would have survived the war, her dreams would have most likely never came true. Because of what happened, the world can understand the war better and will remember her every time they think of the Holocaust. To me, Anne has become the symbol of that time in history. …show more content…

I think that she would have liked to keep it safe where no one could read it and would’ve gone on to publishing other stories. Kitty was her closest friend in the annex and was her escape from everyone. She hid it from everyone in the annex, so I don’t think she would share that with the

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