
Annabel And Trouble Research Paper

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Annabel and Trouble

Once there was a girl named Annabel and Annabel’s age was nine. She loved ice cream. Annabel was not just a normal person. She had powers, the power to make statues become alive and the power to make it snow. Annabel lived in a magical forest with her mom and dad, but they didn’t have good powers like she had. She had a sidekick named Trouble, and Trouble was her cat, a very smart cat. He had magical powers too. He could find crime for Annabel, and every time he would find crime, Annabel would give him a fish cake.
One day, Annabel walked to a creepy monster statue she had made, and the creepy monster came to life, but Annabel didn’t see because she turned her back before the statue moved. Then she heard a big roar! She

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