
Animal Farm: The Industrialization Of The Soviet Union

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The novel Animal Farm is known for being an example of purposeful and stylistic writing by George Orwell. The story is an unrealistic fable of animals that talk and start to build their own society, yet within this fantasy lies deep symbolism. George Orwell’s Animal Farm was a satirical allegory, presented in the form of a fable, which was meant to criticize and bring forth a deeper understanding of the probable outcomes of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Animal Farm is the dictionary definition of a metaphor.“Orwell’s entire novel is essentially an allegory, in which each detail represents a different aspect of this historical event (known as The Russian Revolution)” (Cliffsnotes, 2016). It’s all quite obvious what Orwell’s satire Animal …show more content…

In the novel, Napoleon, the leader of the farm, decides to build a windmill to increase food rations and industrialize the farm. This is very similar to when Stalin plans to industrialize the Soviet Union to increase productivity. He wanted to first increase the amount of food by introducing modernized ideas. Since the small peasants' farms were not very efficient, Stalin collectivized farming by collecting all the smaller farms. (“Russia 1917-14”, 2016). Evidently, the two characters, Napoleon and Stalin, both lead into a new era that modernizes and industrializes to the Soviet Union and Animal Farm. In addition, Stalin also introduced a series of 5-year plans to improve the Russian industry. He planned to increase the production of electricity, coal, oil, and steel. (“Russia 1917-14”, 2016). This is symbolized in Animal Farm as the windmill and shows how it relates to the modernization and planning of the Soviet …show more content…

During Stalin’s rule after the Russian Revolution, he launched a persecution of peasants that causes over a thousand riots in two years. (Scaruffi, 2015). The cruel execution of peasants that Stalin orders expresses what kind of dictator he was and how he ruled Russia. A similar example is shown in Orwell’s novel when he writes about how Napoleon orders his dogs to execute any animals that confess crimes. The ground ends up being covered by a pile of corpses and the smell of blood that lingers in the air. (Orwell, 1949, pg. 84). These events show the alike actions of Stalin and Napoleon and how they represent an allegory. Another example of the alike leadership strategies of Napoleon and Stalin would be the declaration of war, as both leaders are shown declaring war on their enemies. This is expressed in the quote, “Stalin launches a class war against enemies of the Communist Party” (Scaruffi, 2015). Napoleon is also seen declaring war on the enemies of Animal Farm when Orwell writes, “One Sunday morning, Napoleon appeared in the barn and explained that he never at any time contemplated selling the pile of timber to Frederick; he considered it beneath his dignity, he said, to have dealt with scoundrels of that description. The pigeons, who were also forbidden to set foot anywhere on Foxwood, and were also ordered to drop their

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