
Animal Experimentation Is Unnecessary?

Decent Essays

People have animal, especially dog and cat, as a pet. They take care of animals and spend their lives together. However, sacrificing animals is necessary to survive human’s life. Moreover, using animals as a laboratory table is become common because this can improve our health. Therefore, argument about animal experimentation often leads to vigorous debate. Animal Experimentation Is Unnecessary by Sarah A. Millar pointed out that animal experimentation wastes money and brutalizes. Animal Experimentation Is Unethical by Robert Garner asserted that the social status of animals is on a par with that of mortals. Animal Experimentation Is Necessary by Carl Cohen claimed that vaccines about diseases, such as polio, have not practicalized unless animals were used as a trial of side effect. Animal Experimentation Is Ethical by Henry E. Heffner argued that animal experimentation profits not only humankind but also animals. On the surface at least, arguments about animal experimentation seem different such as …show more content…

It is no doubt that animal experimentation profits human. It can safeguard human health. Animal experimentation is not only helpful but also crucial advances for human. For example, people make striking progress on vaccine about malaria, which killed three hundred million, by using mice as a test. Therefore, people can gain advantage using animals. Moreover, Heffner pointed out that “[animal experimentation] benefits humans, which in turn benefits lab animals” (Heffner 72). According to him, the relationship between human and animal is mutualistic, which can profit both. For example, the author pointed out laboratory is secure than in wild. In the wild, animals suffer food and shelter and so on, so morality rate are high. However, in the laboratories, animals do not have to worry about that because people will take care of them. Therefore, animals are bound to reproduce

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