
Andrew Erikson's Character In The Breakfast Club

Decent Essays

I chose Andrew as my character because his story was the most interesting and relatable to me. Andrew appears to be your typical high school jock basking in the light of popularity with a life revolving around sports. But when you take a deeper look at his character, you can see that there’s much more to his story than what he shows. He’s constantly trying to prove himself to his father and be the best for him. This is the exact reason that he’s in the Breakfast club to begin with. To try to be like is dad, Andrew humiliated another student by duct taping his butt together, damaging them both physically and emotionally.
Andrew is constantly trying to prove to his dad that he’s the best and live up to his expectations of him, which gets him …show more content…

In stage four it describes one’s focus to be predominantly on their peers and their achievements over them. This is very apparent with Andrew based off his competitive nature and constantly trying to be number one, even if it’s because of his father’s pressure. He uses his glory on the wrestling mat to gain popularity and friends at Shermer High school. Going along with this, Andrew has a hard time gaining a sense of independence and self identity in his life. He does everything his dad tells him to do with little to no resistance. This shows signs of Erikson’s stage 5 of adolescence. Up until now, it appears that Andrew has been blinded to the fact that he’s been treated like his father’s puppet and has lacked any self control in his life. Venting out his problems allowed him to truly see what was going on with his relationship with his dad. These two stages describe exactly what is going on in Andrew’s life and how he’s being affected. Once he learns to be self reliant and not focus on other people’s view of him, he’ll be able to achieve what he really wants to …show more content…

This stage is when someone focuses mainly on what other people would think about them and makes their decisions based off others. Andrew shows these characteristics with both his father and his peers. Living in the spotlight of his father constantly puts Andrew in this situation of worrying about what he’d say and think. As said before, this is the cause for his membership in the Breakfast club. He was told stories by his father of his antics in school and thought that following in his footsteps would make him proud, not thinking about the consequences that followed. He’s also focused on what people at school would think of him and worries about his popularity status. He’s continuously trying to prove himself to others of his “coolness” to help mask the pressure he experiences from his dad. After reflecting on his decision to prank this other student he realizes the humiliation and pain that this kid had to go through. He thinks about what the kids’ dad had to say having to see their son in such a condition. After thinking about and realizing the effect of his actions, Andrew finds himself regretting doing what his dad might want instead of thinking about the outcome of

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