
Ancient Egyptian Government

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The Ancient Egyptian Government was ruled first and foremost by the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was the supreme leader not only of the government, but also of the religion. However, the Pharaoh couldn't run the government all by himself, so he had a hierarchy of rulers and leaders below him who ran different aspects of the government. Religion
The Ancient Egyptians worshipped dozens of gods and goddesses. The egyptians worshipped in the temples. Gods and goddesses are more important than others. Like ra isis horus osiris thoth. Gods and goddesses sometimes it takes form of the animals. priests sacrificed animals to the gods. People can make prayers and offering to the gods. Priests careing statues of the gods around town and cities.
Skills and job
When you have the job of vizier it goes from the father to the Sun. Visor is the top service civil post it is the pharaoh's right hand man if you are vizier …show more content…

The people thought that the Pharaoh is the Egyptian sky god. The first class was the rich nobles but rich had most land and wealth.The second class were the artest ,doctors lawyers ,teacher and recordkeepers called scribes. The titd Classes were the lowest. There were 80% inpopelation. Women Served as dancers, Maids, or hairdressers and different people were also social classes. Trade
The Egyptians traded with lands outside of Egypt. Main exports include grain, vegetables, and gold. Other Goods Are linen paper and pottery. They didn't have wood, silver, iron, ivory, and also spices. The sea route began on the nile the northern route was divided into two branches like the first one went through Palestine, along with the Mediterranean coast, the second northern branch ran through Megiddo and Hazor. The southern route ran assist by way of the oases of the dugout to Tomas in

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