
Analyzing Virginia Woolf's Essay 'Old Mrs. Grey'

Decent Essays

Old Mrs. Grey
The reader can hear her voice through her descriptive words, it shows how the author feels. These descriptive words show us the voice and the voice seems sad and lonely with no help in sight. “Her body was wrapped round the pain as a damp sheet is folded over a wire.”(Woolf pg.124) This synonym also shows how much pain Mrs. Grey's body is in that she feels like her body is being bent in half and weak. The synonym shows the reader of the essay that it sounds sad and painful. Also when Woolf used the word “marionette” you can kinda hear the voice of pain and how she feels like a puppet and not being able to do much at all. When woolf compared Mrs. Grey to a rook on a barn door with a nail through but still leaving I could kinda hear some determination from the essay because it shows how she's been through so much and lost so much but made it through it and still leaving. The reader can also hear voice from the dialogue in the essay. When Mrs. Grey said “All dead. All dead,” (Woolf pg 124) you can tell she's not in a happy place. Also when she said “The doctor comes every week. The parish doctor now. Since my daughter went, we can't afford Dr. Nicholls. But he's a good man. He says he wonders I don't go. He says my heart is like wind and water. Yet I don't seem …show more content…

Grey. The first paragraph has 3 sentences and in these 3 sentences it talks about England and how Mrs. Peel goes out and enjoys the wilderness. This first paragraph introduces us to the story. The second paragraph is also 3 sentences and introduces us to Mrs.Grey. It also shows Mrs. Gray's corner where she sits on her rocking chair and looks out the door while there was a fire burning in the grate. The third paragraph has 11 sentences. This paragraph talks about how the old woman stares at nothing and that her face never changes. The third paragraph also talked about how the old lady looked like she was in pain and that she was 92 years

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