
Analyzing The Movie 'Moana'

Decent Essays

The movie Moana is about a girl who lives on an island in the middles of the sea. No one has ever gone past the reef. She Needs to go past the reef to restore the heart of Tafiti. She meets a demi-god by the name of Maui. They encounter a crab which they have to fight to get back Maui’s weapon back. The eventually get it back. They then head to restore the heart of Tafiti. They have to fight a monster made of lava. They fail and are sent back miles and miles. Maui and her attempt to do it again. They succeeded and restored the heart and save her island. She becomes queen of her people. Moana is a Disney movie. It was directed by John Musker and Ron Clemmets. The movie made $99 million globally. It had a budget of $159. Disney had Alessia

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