
The Little Mermaid Disney Movie Analysis

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The Little Mermaid original story is dark and Intended for a more mature reader than the Disney movie The Little Mermaid. The original l story is sad and gruesome while the Disney movie is full of cute sea animal and singing. In the Disney movie, Ariel is naturally beautiful and has everything she could ever want, while in the original story she has to work for it, her grandmother quotes ‘’you must put up with a great deal to keep up appearance’’. Both are alike in a way, both are playful and have a moral to the story. Although they are somewhat alike the morals are completely different and so is the ending. In the movie she gets married to the prince and lives happily ever after.but in the original story the prince never thought of making her his queen although he adored her he was to get married to another kingdom's princess. The original story explains more about her and her family, while the Disney movie does not. In the original she is the youngest of her many sisters, also the most curious about the human world above her. “ nothing save the youngest princess such pleasure nas to hear about the world of humans up above them. In the original story, it explains how you must fifteen years of age in order to rise up out of the ocean and sit on the rocks and see the ships sail by. In the Disney movie, it doesn't go into any detail about her sister or grandmother or having to be of a certain age to rise about the ocean. When she finally came of age, she rose above the water for the first time. In the story is goes into great detail about her experience above water ‘’the sun had just gone down when her head rose above the surface.but the clouds still shone like gold and roses, and in the delicately tinted sky sparkled the clear gleam of the evening star the air was mild and fresh and then sea unruffled’’. Another difference between the two stories are that in the original tells you how she had first met the prince and explains how, where was a celebration going on a ship for the prince's sixteenth birthday but the movie does not explain that . Once she had laid eyes on the prince she could not take her eyes off the prince. Both the story and movie explain how she saved the prince from a shipwreck. But

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