
Analyzing Erin Gruwell's 'Freedom Writers'

Decent Essays

STAR Analysis “Freedom Writers”
“Freedom Writers” is based on a true story about Erin Gruwell, a first time teacher who given a class of underperforming students. The students have experienced gang and racial violence which is displayed throughout the movie. I am going to focus on the leadership behavior of Erin Gruwell through her style of coaching. Through her leadership of coaching her students, she was able to open their eyes to a whole new perspective of the world that there is not just gang and racial violence, but there is something special about each and every one of them.
• Situation: The situation that she was in is having to teach the students who no longer care for their education but to survive out in the world. The story is based …show more content…

She wants to be involved and connect with her students as much as possible. She does not want anyone to fall behind; therefore, she is doing what she can to help bring up their grades. She wants them to know that she cares.
• Action: Erin took upon a lot of actions to show her students she cares about their future and them as an individual. She was inspiring. She created excitement so the students can see that their dreams will come true. An example of this was when Erin gave a toast for change. She wanted her students to know that anything was possible as long as they put their heart and mind to it. This will help motivate them in achieving their dreams and pursuing higher education after high school.
She also helped stimulate their intellectual learnings. She did this by having them play games to connect better with one another as well as easier for them to process what they are really learning. An example of this was using the rapper, TuPac, to teach them about poetry. She also brought up controversial topics such as racial discrimination to help the students relate themselves to the problems they face every day. She even got their attention when she covered the topic about the Holocaust and took them out to dinner to meet the

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