
Essay Analyzing Career Theories

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It is simple to look at an individual’s life and analyze and critique their choices based on our own opinions and experiences. Is that fair? No. We may see their actions clearly but the reasoning behind these is what we should focus on when it comes to judging someone’s behavior or circumstances. A common judgment made about a person is based on their career. In our society, it would behoove us to look at the path that leads to becoming a doctor instead of a drug dealer.
Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzing past and future career decisions. Holland’s Theory of Careers states that one’s vocation is an expression of self, personality, and way of life. There is an indisputable and fundamental …show more content…

Finally I reached the realistic period and I began to focus my education to prepare for a medical career. As I have evolved, I find it simpler to make life-changing choices. I am exceedingly more decisive than in previous years because I am more secure with my internal self and due to my experience, have the capacity to make educated decisions. TRANS Holland’s Theory of Careers, while very useful, represents a societal failing. Habitually we find ourselves judging people based on their preliminary persona; however, more often than not we find out that there is much more under the surface. Many entertainers appear to be confident and outgoing, but basic psychology confirms that often their insecurities drive them to seek approval and praise from the public that comes with those careers. Ginsberg and Super’s Theories of Career Development have one major flaw. This theory does not account for those individuals whom choose a career in childhood and never stray from their initial path. Whereas others come to a standstill at one stage and never complete the process. Although the ability to consistently and effectively apply both of these theories in a myriad of situations speak to their legitimacy, clearly it is necessary to seek other career theories to supplement ones conceptualization of this topic.
It can be difficult to judge what stage/level/period a person may be in

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