
Analytics Analysis : Senior Management Commitment Essay

Decent Essays

There’s no identification of our distinctive capabilities.
Analytics is not applied all over our Organization.
Senior management commitment is not a reality right now due to lack of knowledge of how we can compete on analytics.
Describe your company 's position within the pillars of analytics competition?
As described in (Davenport & Harris, 2007) there is 4 pillars of analytical competition:
- Distinctive Capability
- Enterprise -wide analytics
- Senior Management Commitment
- Large-scale ambition
My company can be analyzed in each one of these pillars as follows:
- Distinctive Capability
We produce a product that is considered as commodity. In that regards, our price follows whatever the market is paying for it with slight variations.
Quality is an “order qualifier” in most of the cases, due to the type of application of our product. For some customers the application of our product requires higher standards and then quality becomes a “order winner”.
There’s no clear identification of what can set us apart from the competition in the market right now. There are discussions that customer relationship would be our potential distinctive capability as our major competitor is overseas.
- Enterprise-wide analytics
Analytics has been used as isolated initiatives within my company. Different levels of applications of analytics is a reality. Historically, quality department has leading the way in data-driven decision process by using several statistical and quality

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