
Analytical Essay On A Dolls House

Decent Essays

In the dolls house Nora one of the main characters makes her life miserable by decepting all she knew. Nora makes a crime in which she forges her fathers singinture, lies to her husband Helmer, and betrayed her children. In the end, Nora decides to leave her home and escape from everything to find her true self. As the play acts a pond Nora she try's to make herself look inosent, and make a person that cares about her children. She encounters Mrs. Linden where Nora explains that her husband was in terrible crisis and needed help so she borrowed money from someone that she does not want to express to the reader. As Mrs. Linden and Nora go on with the talkative about their life's and things. Within the play Nora is being treated like a doll …show more content…

Krogstad, in which at first give a good example of a friendship until he starts to deceiving by blackmail Nora, telling her if he can't keep his job he will tell everything to her husband Helmer. Unless she pays her dept, the money she borrowed from him. Then he would tell Mr. Helmer that he found out that his wife forged her fathers signature and became irrelevant to the contract. Because her father died two days before the signature on the contracted where it stated that she would pay the money she own to him for the time that her husband was in danger and she had to fly to Italy. This explains that Nora became deceptive about her choices by lying that she did not sign that contract and lying to her husband by not telling him anything, to save her self of all the troubles that will come if her husband would have been dead. As the play begins to open Nora finally wants to let out everything to the one person that she could consider a friend Mrs. Linden, in which she explains why she forged her father's signature and asked to tell Krogstad to eliminate the contract and be free from the blackmailing. So as she was told Mrs. Linden went to go talked to Mr. Krogstad, but instead of telling him to stop she in courage him to let her suffer for what she has done. As Krogstad he did what was told and put a letter and the letter box saying everything. Later that day Nora tried Helmer to not open that box, but eventually

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