
Essay on Henrik Isben's A Doll's House

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A Doll’s House, a play by Henrik Ibsen, tells the story of Nora, the wife of Torvald Helmer, who is an adult living as a child, kept as a doll by her husband. She is expected to be content and happy living in the world Torvald has created for her. By studying the play and comparing and contrasting the versions presented in the video and the live performance, one can analyze the different aspects of it.
Ibsen’s purpose for writing this piece is to entertain while pointing out an injustice. Through the events of the play, Nora becomes increasingly aware of the confines in which Torvald has placed her. He has made her a doll in her own house, one that is expected to keep happy and …show more content…

You settled everything according to your taste; and I got the same tastes as you…I lived by performing tricks for you, Torvald. But you would have it so. You and father have done me a great wrong. It’s your fault that my life has been wasted…[O]ur house has been nothing but a play-room. Here I have been your doll-wife, just as at home I used to be papa’s doll-child…I thought it fun when you played with me…
Here, Nora pulls together the tragic circumstances. She sees that she was never truly happy in the house, just content. Her father kept her as a child would a doll, and Torvald continued this when they were married. They formed her opinions for her, set expectations to which she was supposed to adhere, and wrote a vague script of how she was supposed to act. She was like a puppet, with no thoughts or actions of her own. When she finally realizes the injustice being done to her, she decides to free herself.
The different versions of A Doll’s House studied offer different points of view. The stage version presents a third person-limited point of view. The audience knows everything going on the scene being played out before them, but cannot see beyond the set. They see the movements and hear the dialogue between all the characters within the limitations of the stage.

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