
Analysis Of The Wind Driven Rain Landing On His Back By Tim Winton

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The way Tim Winton wrote was excellent and clever in the way he describes an uncomfortable surrounding but finds the good in it Although the way Tim Winton writes is very juxtaposition allowing you to reflect on the scenario, a good example of this is small mercies page 70 where Tim describes the swimming centre and how it was “damp and he felt a soupy chlorine feel”, once he started swimming he describes the air of every breath tasting of “sheep urine” but then he goes on to talk about the thing he enjoyed most, that was “the wind driven rain landing on his back”. The text describes an unpleasant experience but at the end he describes a pleasant yet satisfying breeze of wind landing on his back, the way he writes is very juxtaposition themed …show more content…

Tim Winton does this many times throughout his stories some good examples in small mercies is when Tim Winton writes about the Keenan’s as the salt of the earth meaning they are simple and good people, the term originated from Jesus Christ when he spoke to his followers saying “ye are the salt of the earth", another use of a simile in Tim Winton small mercies is when he describes the Keenan house smelling like “ old people" this is a simile because Tim Winton was comparing the odour of there house to old people. Tim Winton also says that the Keenan’s wood stove oven is the “Rolls-Royce of the ranges” this is a simile because he compares there oven to a high-end car. In damaged goods Tim uses simile throughout the book one example of this is when he is talking about when strawberry Alison came to town and how she was a beauty but she was “damaged goods" because of her large birthmark across her face, this is another good example as Tim talks about her looks as damaged goods this term comes from someone who is regarded as inadequate or impaired in some way this is a simile because damaged good means something that was good or valuable lost all value due to a little defect a good example is painting, it may be

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