
Analysis Of The Poem ' My Papa 's Waltz ' By Theodore Roethke Essay

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Child abuse is in many homes today and remains untreated. The abuse that a child can experience can physically and emotionally scar him, and those scars can last for a lifetime. In the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke, the speaker describes the abuse that his father dealt to him under the guise of a dance. Although this abuse is hidden to some readers on the first read through, there are a few instances in the poem that are typical signs of abuse. The evidences of abuse in the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” that are typical to child abuse are the alcoholism of the father, the striking of the child by the father, and the child’s unwillingness to go into his bedroom.
The first sign of abuse in the poem “My Papas Waltz” is the alcoholism and drunkenness of the father. The first lines of the poem are “The whiskey on your breath / Could make a small boy dizzy” (Roethke, 1-2). The amount of alcohol that the father would have had to consume for the scent on his breath to make his son dizzy after he got home would be a very large amount. This amount of drunkenness would make the father irrational and unable to walk straight. His inability to walk is hinted at in the line “At every step you missed” (Roethke, 11). This inability to think caused by the alcoholism would render the father unable to evaluate what he was doing to his son. The alcohol going through his system would even possibly make him angry which would mean he would have to take his anger out on someone.

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