
Analysis Of The Movie ' A Doll 's House '

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“A Doll’s House” is a British movie filmed in 1973. Nora has spent her enter life living under the rules of her late father and authoritarian husband, Torvald. Years earlier Nora committed forgery by signing her father’s name in order to borrow money from a man named Krogstad. Nora’s husband was dying and she needed the money to take a trip to Italy to save him. Now she is being blackmailed and lives in fear of her husband discovering what she has done. But when the truth is revealed Nora finds herself questioning everything she believed in once her marriage is put to the test. Nora is the main character; at first she seem very childlike and naïve. She comes across as someone who lacks knowledge of the outside world. However, when her marriage is put at risk she realizes she isn’t happy. She leaves her children and husband in heard of her own identity. Torvard, Nora’s Husband, is the bread maker of the house. He was promoted to a new position at the bank which made him very happy. He is very controlling and treats his wife like a child; kind but also patronizing at the same time. He is very concerned with his place and status in society. When he learns about Nora’s secret he is very unsympathetic. Krogstad, is the man Nora borrows money from. He is an acquaintance of Torvald and also holds a high position at the back. He has a bad reputation for the bad deeds he committed in his past. He has two children and is very concerned about losing is position at the bank. He is

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