
The Itis Research Papers

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“The Itis” restaurant, brought to life by Aaron McGruder, is not only a restaurant that people would love to actually have, but also one that brought along some negative aspects. A new restaurant opens up and everybody decides to give it a try. On the inside a lounge singer and instead of tables, beds. Immediately after enjoying a meal one could fall asleep without having to go home. This sleepy feeling a person gets is sometimes referred to as “the itis.” After consuming Sunday dinner and before coming down with “the itis”, which is the “tired feeling” you get after eating a big meal (some say it is all in the mind), Ed Wuncler proposes the idea of Granddad having his own restaurant since the healthy food place Wuncler owns now isn’t …show more content…

“The food desert concept suggests that the absence of major food outlets in inner-city neighborhoods prohibits consumption of healthy food, thus highlighting geography as a key constraint in food access.” (Kato and McKinney 216) It is unfair that low-income families are targeted by food deserts but it is how society is formed. Most food markets are found located in low-income African American communities. This was the vocal research points in Naa Oyo Kwate’s “Fried chicken and fresh apples: Racial segregation as a fundamental cause of fast food density in black neighborhoods” “In the US, predominantly Black neighborhoods often embody the characteristics of food deserts, where ‘it is easier to get fried chicken than a fresh apple’.” (Kwate 34) The placement of fast food restaurants in comparison to healthy food places is unfair and forces low-income family to consume unhealthy foods. It essentially leads to shorter lives and less and less people in the lower social classes. It is almost as if the higher classes plot to make their money and kill off the low-end families. Kato and Kwate revealed the truth behind the locations of food deserts across the United States. Food deserts are more likely to be seen in black and minority

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