
Analysis Of The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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“The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls provides its readers with a personalized incite towards her past, a new perspective to her life and how the chooses she made in her past shaped her into who she is today. The novel is written in her perspective, this giving a full understanding of what she as the author is feeling, seeing, and living through. Non-the less it also provides an understanding of the other characters that became important in her life and what their role was in it. For example, a person Jeannette admired and even looked up to was her father. He is of course an example of turbulence in her life. Either his alcoholism, anger issues, or even gambling problems she still found a way to find the good in him through all the bad. …show more content…

Also, her parents’ marriage had great influenced towards the amount of turbulence in her life. If her mother wasn’t jumping out of cars into the darkness after a fight or her father’s physicals abuse towards her mother after one to many drinks there was also something to add to her pleasant childhood. Writing a memoir gave a very personal incite to the struggles Jeannette’s had when growing up this making her life more reliable whereas an autobiography would have given information to much about chronological events. Writing her story as a memoir allowed Jeannette to use a less formal and more emotional approach towards telling the reader about her life, this also making it more relatable. In my opinion the story was more effective by being told as a memoir, which allowed her to share specific memories that shaped her into that person she is …show more content…

Here Rex does whatever he believes is best for him and Jeannette trying to understand and stop his old ways and tries to figure out how she can stop him. At Thanksgiving dinner the border between turbulence and order come up once again when they are taking about their dead father and how their life with him was “never boring”. Since they have order now they see how different life was with him and how much it changed since he passed away.

Security and freedom have always been fundamental aspects required by our society. Personally, I believe that having security and comfort is more important than having freedom although it itself is a very important aspect of life. Security to me is having a safe haven, a home. Thee Walls family never had that feeling of security and safety but instead freedom was always something they seem to have. For example, moving from state to state was never a problem for them and leaving things behind was normal for the family because there was no need to have that secure place. Jeannette enjoyed the freedom she had as a child; however, as she got older realized security was lacking in her life, something of which her siblings always knew about. Over time they realized how important it was to have comfort, security and a life where happiness was abundant. Something that should have been provided by her parents but instead were forced to

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