
The Glass Castle : Family Values, Information About Social Expectations, And Survival Strategies

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Describe Jeannette’s childhood, specifically her socialization or the process by which she acquired family values, information about social expectations, and survival strategies. This is a summary on the Glass Castle is about a young woman name Jeannette begins to look back of the pasts on her childhood and how her parents’ choices affected her and her siblings. When Jeannette was three-year-old, she was boils her own hotdogs and got burned horribly that she went to the hospital. After few days, her father got her out of bed and left the hospital without paying the bill. The most memories about the Walls of her childhood focus in the desert and how the family move to different desert towns to settling in as long as their father can hold a job. He has such paranoia about the state and society and he also have dealt with his alcoholism that has leads them to move often. They used to settle in small mining town, Battle Mountain, and Nevada while Jeannette and her young brother Brian spend their time exploring the desert. Their mother is an artist and takes a break from it to hold down a job as a teacher to extend their stay.
But however, a law enforcement has compels the family to leave and move to Phoenix where mother has inherited a house from her grandmother. In Phoenix, it offers the family stability like mother’s house is very large and the children can enrolled in school and father have a job to keep steady of electrician jobs for a while. Jeannette feel so annoy when

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