
Analysis Of The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

In day to day life humans interact with other humans. Whether it be at work, or at a social event, human interaction is important to human life. By interacting with others, humans impact one another’s lives. In the book “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom the main character Eddie encounters people that affect his life greatly and experiences many emotions through the book’s theme, characters, and setting. Eddie wakes up inside a teapot from one of the rides at Ruby Pier from when he was a child, seventy-five years ago. He realizes that he feels much more limber and his leg does not ache like it used to. Here is where he meets the blue man, The Blue Man explains that the reason he feels young is because he was a child when they first met. The Blue Man explains that they are connected. When Eddie was a child he ran into the road after a ball that his brother had thrown, but in the midst of regaining the ball a man in a truck had to swerve to miss him. The man who swerved was The Blue Man and after he regained control he suffered from a heart attack that caused him to die. Eddie was deeply disturbed by the fact that he had caused The Blue Man’s death, but never the less understands that everyone is connected in some way. Eddie then discovers that he had attended The Blue Man’s funeral. Eddie walks into a scene, he vaguely remembers from the time he was in the war, the sky is painted a grey and dark blue. Up in the air his old Captain from war times is in a

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