
How Does Bilbo Baggins Change In The Hobbit

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In the novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, the main character, Bilbo Baggins, experiences dramatic change as he leaves his peaceful home to embark on a dangerous quest. Bilbo battles spiders, goblins and trolls hoping to help a company of dwarves reclaim their home from a dragon. He travels across Middle Earth and meets many different people along the way. The situations Bilbo is placed in define many of the elements of the story. From the beginning to the end of the story, Bilbo’s character and adaptability change entirely. The famous wizard, Gandalf, selects Bilbo to join the company of dwarves he has been helping. Bilbo at first rejects the opportunity to help the dwarves, but eventually decides to join. During the journey, he …show more content…

The story starts at Bilbo’s home in the Shire. Bilbo lives in a furnished hobbit-hole. After the company comes to his home and they embark on the journey, they head to Rivendell to seek the elf, Elrond’s, advice. They make their way through the Misty Mountains and then through the other elf dwelling, Mirkwood. After travelling up the river, the dwarves are captured by large spiders. Bilbo sets them free from the spiders, but the dwarves are captured again only by elves. The elves imprison the dwarves until Bilbo frees them. The company travels up the nearby river in barrels to arrive in the town outside Erebor. The company travels to the mountain and wait for the right moment when the secret passage inside can be opened. Bilbo eventually gets inside Erebor and encounters the dragon that occupies it. The dragon leaves in a few days to terrorize the town of Dale outside of the mountain. The dwarves then occupy their lost kingdom. The dwarves’ greed regarding their riches gets the attention of the nearby peoples. A war is started right in front of the mountain due to the desires to overthrow the dwarves’ kingdom again. As they go along their journey, they encounter many different types of beings such as orcs, elves, and other men. The whole series of events take place in the land of Middle Earth. There are distant lands far beyond Middle Earth. There is a great deal of tension in the

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