
Analysis Of Rocky Flats

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Those in agreement with opening the area as a wildlife preserve that will be accessible by the general public are the DOE and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). As of right now the Refuge is planning to open for the summer of 2018 and the building of the visitor facilities is anticipated to begin in the winter of 2017. The plan for the year-round Refuge is that it will consist of 20 miles of trails that will be accessible to hikers, bikers, and horseback riders [4]. The map of the proposed visitor facilities is seen in figure 1 [4]. The visitor facilities will have information about the history of Rocky Flats and what happened at Rocky Flats to make it so infamous. Thus, the government hopes in providing an informational park as …show more content…

Builders On the southernmost boarder of the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge there is a neighborhood by the name of Candelas quickly being built. These builders, developers, and real estate agents are for the land being turned into more land for homes as this is the main source of income for them. When confronted about the safety of the land, the developers state that, “because the site has been so long studied, so extensively worked over by cleanup crews, and so often reported on by news outlets, it must be safe” [6]. Candelas is proud to be labeled as a green community with each house meeting and energy star score of at least 3.0 thus making them certified [7]. The houses within Candelas all have double-pane windows which results in the reduction of energy usage which comes from the solar panels on all of the houses [6]. Candelas neighborhood have made a valiant effort at making the houses and the amenities within as ecofriendly as possible.
On the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the Candelas page a question a rises about Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. The response given is that “Candelas is situates more than 1.3 miles from where the Rocky Facilities once stood” and these “two locations are separated by thousands of acres of protected open

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