Those in agreement with opening the area as a wildlife preserve that will be accessible by the general public are the DOE and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). As of right now the Refuge is planning to open for the summer of 2018 and the building of the visitor facilities is anticipated to begin in the winter of 2017. The plan for the year-round Refuge is that it will consist of 20 miles of trails that will be accessible to hikers, bikers, and horseback riders [4]. The map of the proposed visitor facilities is seen in figure 1 [4]. The visitor facilities will have information about the history of Rocky Flats and what happened at Rocky Flats to make it so infamous. Thus, the government hopes in providing an informational park as …show more content…
Builders On the southernmost boarder of the Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge there is a neighborhood by the name of Candelas quickly being built. These builders, developers, and real estate agents are for the land being turned into more land for homes as this is the main source of income for them. When confronted about the safety of the land, the developers state that, “because the site has been so long studied, so extensively worked over by cleanup crews, and so often reported on by news outlets, it must be safe” [6]. Candelas is proud to be labeled as a green community with each house meeting and energy star score of at least 3.0 thus making them certified [7]. The houses within Candelas all have double-pane windows which results in the reduction of energy usage which comes from the solar panels on all of the houses [6]. Candelas neighborhood have made a valiant effort at making the houses and the amenities within as ecofriendly as possible.
On the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the Candelas page a question a rises about Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. The response given is that “Candelas is situates more than 1.3 miles from where the Rocky Facilities once stood” and these “two locations are separated by thousands of acres of protected open
Protecting Hawaii’s rain forest from the invasion of Corporate America is Bill McKibben’s intention as an environmentalist. His 28-paragraph article, “Power Play Endangers Hawaii’s Rain Forest,” appeared in Rolling Stone, a popular culture magazine, on May 31, 1990. He argues that producing power through geothermal drilling harms the Wao Kele o Puna rain forest, the environment, and the people that live nearby. He also presents alternative methods for power, hoping that people will consider these, such as solar-water heating systems and energy efficient gadgets. Unfortunately, his elevated, subjective stance and attempt to convince his audience through
These trends, however, do not account for the whole country because they differ from place to place. The case of Ciudad Juarez is particularly extreme and, sometimes, shocking. Ciudad Juarez is a city of 1.3 million people across from El Paso, Texas. Although Ciudad Juarez is incredibly rich in nature and culture, in the last couple of years, it has not been known because of these virtues; instead, it has been all over the news due to its homicide rates, which have had peak rates greater than many war zones. One particular aspect that characterizes the homicides of this city is the high level of “feminicidios” (femicides or feminicides in English) that have taken place in the last two decades. In fact, more than 300 women have been murdered
Rocky Hill, CT is a beautiful area with around 20,000 inhabitants. It is situated just south of Wethersfield and is easy to commute to Hartford. For the most part, those living in Rocky Hill, CT tend to commute to work in the larger cities nearby.
The Denver Basin began to form as early as 300 million years ago. The site is made up of paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic and sedimentary rock layers. The formation of the Denver Basin is known as “Colorado Orogeny”. Orogeny is a process in which the Earth’s crust is folded and deformed to create a mountain form. During this process, the Ancestral Rockies were formed. Other rocks formed during this time period include the Fountain Formation; which is most visible at Red Rocks and Boulder Flatirons. The Basin was most likely deepened in the Paleogene time, which was between 66 and 45 million years ago. In between that time period, the Laramide orogeny formed the modern day Colorado Rockies. The Denver Basin is centered in eastern Colorado. Around
"ARTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE PART OF THE SOLUTION. " US Fed News Service, Including US State News [Washington, D.C.] 30 May 2006, Research Library. ProQuest. 15 Nov. 2007 <
Located in the middle of Stokes county 0.62 square miles is claimed to a small town of Danbury, estimated population is 187. Although to be little Danbury holds a “Gem” in Stokes county. Back in the 1930’s, the Stokes County Committee in hopes for a State Park, donated 3,096 acres of land. This began the construction of what is now known as Hanging Rock State Park. Since then, serval thousands of acres have been bought and donated, now in 2017 the total acreage is over 7,000. Of course, the first essential constituent of a State Park was land, once the land was obtained, the Civilian Conservation Corps came into the picture. On September 17, 2017, I interviewed a park ranger ___________ on a Hiking tour located in Hanging Rock State Park.
Many people go hiking and unfortunately leave their trash behind or graffiti the rocks. The trash left behind does not only hurt the environment, it hurts the view, experience, and safety of other visitors. On some rocks there are pieces of glass from a beer bottle that can injure animals and people who are just on a climb, hike, or going about their lives. Others bring permanent markers or use knives to stain the rocks with their initials or derogatory words. Red Rock thrives on volunteers and visitors to help clean the park and donate money. Some visitors also try to destroy the property of the restrooms by breaking toilet seats or knocking down sign posts; although some of the damage is done unintentionally by wild animals. Throughout the year these small damages to the property add up detrimentally in costs. Hopefully in the future, the park can concentrate more on creating more parking, fixing the roads, and adding more trails to the park. Unfortunately, these types of things and activities require the money, time and attention from the staff who are distracted by constantly cleaning, maintaining, and repairing the park every day from harmful visitors. The small $7 daily fee per car or the small $30 annual fee to visit this national park is a small price to pay to help it keep its natural beauty. If you are interested in visiting this park or wondering how you can help, you can visit
In almost every book you read, you will find that someone always has to go on some sort of journey or quest (Rice). If you examine each quest closely, you will notice that they are all very similar (Rice). When things are used repeatedly like that, they are said to have an archetypal pattern (Rice). The quest on which all these heroes go on is referred to as the archetypal quest (Rice). “The Wizard of Oz” focuses on a small-town girl living in Kansas. “The Epic of Gilgamesh” focuses on an arrogant king who rules the city of Uruk. The Wizard of Oz and The Epic of Gilgamesh were written 5000 years apart, but they both contain the elements that make them archetypal quests.
The Annapolis city government has aimed to reduce emissions by 75% by the year 2025 as well as achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050 (Savidge 2010). In order to achieve these goals, the city government has committed to reducing energy usage by 10% in public facilities by 2017 and 15% by 2020 (Savidge 2010). The city government also plans to achieve 25% of their energy from renewable sources as well as providing greener and more energy efficient upgrades to public facilities and city transportation (Savidge 2010). The Annapolis community has aimed to reduce emissions by 50% by the year 2025 as well as achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2050 (Savidge 2010). The community has been and will continue to actively encourage locals to purchase green and renewable energy, use alternative forms of transportation, increase recycling and reduce trash production, and to preform energy efficiency upgrades (Savidge 2010). Such efficiency upgrades could take place in the form of financing home energy improvements, energy efficient mortgages, energy smart schools, or zero interest loans for energy conservation and “green energy projects (Roseland 2012).” Mark Roseland published a paper on sustainability “solutions for citizens and their governments” that outlines the benefits that simple energy efficient upgrades can achieve (Roseland 2012). He states examples where residents can save over $1000 each year on oil, gas, and electric bills while reducing their emissions through local
The Shortland Wetlands have became one of the most popular and well-known attractions in Newcastle for its extensive wildlife, many activities and intensive research on conservation of many topics. (
During the beginning days of Earth, the land was flat. There were no rocks and no mountain tops. Then God put a man named Rocky onto the Earth to create large hills; however, he didn’t know how to fulfill God’s wish.
Two neighboring families, both alike in eco-friendly tendencies, are separated by one fence and a mere opinion of what benefits nature more. The Treanor/Bisset and Mr. Vargas families' green habits are pitted against each other when they end up conflicting. For the Treanor family, their towering redwoods planted eight years ago render the Mr. Vargas family solar-panels futile, by blocking their precious Sunnyvale sunlight. The irony lies within the fact that the dispute was conspired between families with a common goal to account for the environments prosperity. Though the Treanor's redwood trees have been happily rooted in the backyard for years, an outdated law persists as the Mr. Vargas' only defense in this case that will
The Rocky Mountains, also known as the Rockies, extends for some 3,000 miles (4,800 km), that covers land in two North American countries! With a distance of 3,000 miles, the Rockies must have a variety of physical features and landscapes that makes it an attractive area to tour and explore. However, all of the human interest in this mountain range could come at a devastating cost. Disturbances such as resource extraction, tourism/settlement, and farming in the Rocky Mountain region must cease because they are causing major, irreversible environmental degradation.
Green buildings could become one of the main factors to preserve our rapidly decaying environment. There is no easy way to define a green building, but a green building is essentially a structure that amplifies the positives and mitigates the negatives throughout the entire life cycle of the building (Kriss, 2014). There are many definitions for a green building, but all of them include the planning, designing, constructing, and operating of the building while taking into huge considerations of the energy use, water use, indoor air environment, materials used and the effect it has on the site the green building is being built on. The first green buildings dates back to as far as the 1970’s, when solar panels went from experiments to reality. Green buildings were not as popular as they are today due to their extremely high pricing. With technology rapidly growing, solar panels are becoming cheaper and cheaper, making the transition to creating green buildings more affordable. This is the primary reason for the increased growth of green buildings today. A modern company that is paving the way to the growth of green buildings named LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, focuses primarily on new and effective ideas for environmentally friendly buildings projects. With more than 60,000 commercial projects worldwide and 1.7 million square feet being certified every day, LEED is one of the leading groups for promoting green buildings. LEED has popularized the entire
I am writing to you in regard to the Bridger -Teton National Forest. It is “the largest intact ecosystem in the lower 48 United States. Offering nearly 1.2 million acres of designated Wilderness, over 3,000 miles of road and trail and thousands of miles of unspoiled rivers and streams.” (USDA Forest Service)